Movies! Amazing Spiderman 2!

Hey there nerdcore Nation! Have you heard much about The Amazing Spiderman 2? I have heard almost nothing about plot line or story HOWEVER, I can come to a conclusion. The way the villains are being set up eventually I believe we will be seeing the emergence of The Sinister Six. I’m going to go on record and say that I am not a huge fan of Jamie Foxx as an actor. Hes a great comedian and I will always watch one of his if they are on. Jamie Foxx as Electro is something I am also very apprehensive about. I hope I am proved wrong and I hope that his costume is drastically improved upon throughout the movie because the black hoodie and dark jeans just doesn’t cut it to me as an Electro costume.



This movie has been saved in my opinion from anything that could make it suck for the simple fact that it has Paul Giomatti as The Rhino before the suit. In my opinion Paul Giomatti is one of them most versatile and plain badass actors that I have ever seen on film. Finding out he is in it made me want to see that movie even just that much more. I can’t wait!


GAMES! A World Lost!

It was late in the year 2006 where I was held at Burt point by my friend and co-worker K- (k minus, there was also a K + one Kenny was smaller then the other and Burt was about a foot and a half taller then me with a good 40 pounds on me) to buy and subscribe to a little game World Of Warcraft. I gave him my wallet during their break (K- and Burt had an hour break since they were working a double and I was stuck with just first shift) and they went off to Walmart and bought me my first World Of Warcraft game. Later that night after I got back from my girlfriend (at the time) house, they helped me set up my account and I took my first steps in the world of Azeroth as a Troll Shaman named Tikitaki (who has stuck with me through every account I have had since).

Years have now passed as WoW Vanilla is no more. The first expansion Burning Crusade comes out. A lot of new people come in, us veterans bitch about things getting easier, the raids weren’t as fun, things like that. Rise and fall of guilds and accounts get hacked. I leave Azeroth. Wrath of the Lich King is bound to hit the shelves. Being the devoted Warcraft and WoW fan I am( during my time out of Azeroth, I read novels about Azeroth) I ended up having to start an account all over again. I bought WoW, BC and WoTLK. I enjoyed the new class of Death Knight, but I mainly stuck to my hunter: Anikinaki and his pet snow saber Hariki. After a while I got hacked again. I left Azeroth. Then on and off I played with free accounts, bringing back my old accounts for a week with free game time never really finding a reason to come back until Cataclysm. 

Cataclysm was a nightmare. Classes that I have had specialized builds, classes I’ve spent long hours mastering all of a sudden changed. I had to re-learn how to play this game that I have been playing for oh 6 years? I called it quits for good. Then in the name of all that was holy Mists of Pandaria came out and I only toyed with a free account. I have since stopped playing all together and I still feel like there is an empty space inside me that misses that year of 06 and WoW vanilla.

This is my horror story. In the year 2010 World of Warcraft boasted 12 Million subscribers world wide with a world record to prove it. Just two years later that count has dropped to 8 million. In the first quarter of 13′ alone WoW lost 1.3 Million subscribers. I don’t blame them for leaving. I’m not encouraging it. But WoW is broken to me. The level cap is so high and the demands from the non casual players are so insane it isn’t funny. The ingame economies are laughable at best. (i saw 50 gold for a stack of linen which is the easiest to come by cloth material) The game itself provides no challenge. At level 20 you get your mount. In my day you didn’t get it till 40 and it took the help of your entire guild to get you your epic mount. Don’t even get me started on the Warlocks epic mount quest for the Dread Steed. Nightmares they were but the hardwork put in was satisfying.

Activisions CEO Bobby Kotick predicts the numbers will fall even farther and really challenge them as the back end of the year comes around. Though it is up there with age, the change in game play and the lack of challenge also promote the fall of the numbers. As well as the challenge of the Free-To-Play mmorpgs that are now floating around on the internet and in this up and down economy a solid fee to play a game is questionable. Some of these games are becoming top contenders and one (League of Legends) has surpassed WoW subscriber limit last year by a million or so players. All we can do is watch what happens with this game we all know that some loathe and some love.


Comics! News!

A little blurb I ran across, the bounty hunter Angela of SPAWN fame will be making her way into Marvel Comics this summer starting in Ultron #10. Marvel Chief Creative Officer: Joe Quesada has given up his redesign of Angela for future comics. As a fan of SPAWN, I can’t wait to see what Marvel is going to do with this awesome character.


TV! Doctor Who!

Ok my fellow Nerdcore’s and Whovians. We are all aware what this year means. This is the 50’th Anniversary of Doctor Who. Alot if not all is speculation besides the fact that David Tennant and Matt Smith will be on screen at the same time solving what ever problems and crisis that Moffat can throw at them. All the while being awesome and wearing bow ties. Why? Because bow ties are cool.

A quote from Matt Smith (The Doctor):

“What [Steven Moffat’s] written is just spellbinding. It’s one of the best [episodes] ever, ever, ever. There are parts of it in mad 3D. But what [Moffat’s] done with the idea is really clever, it’s not just throwing things at the screen. [Moffat’s] been wanting to write this script for ever and he’s really done it justice. There are elements to it which are different from normal episodes. When you combine all the elements that are different it’s not just an episode of Doctor Who, it’s something else, something bigger and more exciting.”

Beyond that I have absolutely no information on it what so ever. I am counting down the days to the premier. Rumors of Eccleson and possibly even the 8th Doctor, Paul McGann might show up. Like I said its speculation. Until then we have to gruelingly wait for months for an already much anticipated episode. I’m sure the original creators of the show had no idea it would blow up to be anything like it is today.

So calm down. Everything is going to be fine.

doctor who 50 bfi


Hey there Nerdcore Nation, how are you all doing today? Ive spent this morning pretty busy and out but here I am to bring you a couple posts throughout the day today being that it is OUR 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! One year ago today I started out to bring you the coolest and newest news, comic reviews, stores of science and awesomeness that I could. For those of you who have followed me through all of this and for the new folks I appreciate all of you. Now onto the fun!

In this movie Superman has been switched up quite a bit. From his suit, to his powers, down to the way he flies. So why wouldn’t his weaknesses change? I have read through a few articles this morning talking about Superman’s new weakness that will more then likely exploited in the up coming Man Of Steel. Its not kryptonite. It’s not a poorly written story. It is not a Lex Luthor kidnapped Lois Lane. It is…. his Isolation! Yep all that isolation and being different will be the cutting edge of weaponry in this movie. Not some radiated crystal from a far away planet. We all know (I’m sure we have all felt alienated at least one time in our life) what it feels like to be alone. Now just think how off the wall that would be with x-ray vision, super speed, flying, super strength, ice breath, blah blah blah. It would be soul crushing I would think. But somehow out of all of the chaos and confusion we get a man not of man tempered to steel. Lawful Good Steel.

If you have been following the little bit leaked info about the movie we know that Zod will be the BBEG (Big Bad Evil Guy) for the movie. It seems that Zod will be throwing his weight mentally at Superman in this film, which to me would be a fresh new idea rather then some nearly unbeatable monster. Im thinking this might actually be worth watching and I am in no way a superman fan.



Hey guys, so today was a very special day. FREE COMIC DAY! I ended up getting plenty of free swag and comics and had a pretty neato day. The highlights of the previews and one shots I got my hands on today had to have been the Superman, The Walking Dead and the Judge Dredd comic. Others did stand out like the Star Wars freebie and the Batman freebie. But what was one of the cooler moments of the day was when The Southern Maryland Superheros showed up. I had got pics of Spidey and Batman. Ironman was late and I didn’t get a chance to see him but the other guys were wicked cool.




I also picked up Superior Spiderman #9 and Red Sonja Unchained #2. Stay tuned for a review of the new Red Sonja line later on tonight or tomorrow! Good night Nerdcore Nation!

Comics! Superior Spiderman!

Ahh now here we go back to our bread and butter. Ive picked up quite a few new comics recently and I would like to take a minute and talk about this questionable Spiderman incarnation. I will be giving spoilers so if you do not want to know what happens in Spiderman #700 don’t read on.

In Spiderman #700, Doctor Octopus has peter right where he wants him. Strapped down on a table waiting for him to switch their brains. Switching conscious into each others brain. Then Doc Oct’s body is destroyed. Then we see Peter Parker through the eyes of Otto Octavious. Some who might go to the length of saying a possible future of what Peter Parker could have turned out to be. As if he gets a second chance and he is taking the world by storm.

The new Spiderman is more straight to the point, ass kicking, thrill ride of a comic. The writing is superb and the story arcs even early (delving into the polar change in Peter’s behavior) are excellently handled. Also don’t count our original friendly neighborhood spiderman out yet! He’s tailing his old body as a ghost from place to place. Even seeing into Otto’s mind and memories. Will he get his body back? Where will that leave Doc Ock? Only Time will tell.

There is so much controversy revolving around this that it isn’t funny. So much negativity and even death threats to the writers? Come on guys! As much as I love comics and vidya games (ands I dos) there is no reason for all of that rot. Even though Superior Spiderman takes the franchise, turns it up on it’s head and spins it around till it gets dizzy, there should always be room for a open mind. Parker is the brainchild of many writers through the years and he will be forever more. He isn’t going away. He might take a vacation like this one but he is always going to be Swinging On.

My final thought on the series? I absolutely love it. It’s fresh! It’s new! It is something I honestly think The Amazing Spiderman needed. Its a great read for new comers and old timers alike so go out and pick up your copies as soon as possible. Good night True Believers.
